This essay by Chris McLellan, Founder and Volunteer Program Director at the Ask AI nonprofit, explores his personal journey of job loss, discovering the potential of artificial intelligence, and collaborating on free content and resources to help others navigate the rapidly changing world of work.
8 years and a lifetime ago
In 2017, I found myself at a career crossroads. Along with dozens of colleagues, I had just been laid off from my second startup in 7 years . The reasons were a mix of internal and external factors, but the result was the same: I was looking for work—again.
As I began my search, I noticed that the job descriptions for marketing roles were getting longer and more complicated. Some postings listed so many responsibilities that it seemed impossible for a small team—let alone an individual—to handle them all.
Frustrated but determined to find a solution, I decided to dive deeper into marketing automation, which at the time was just starting to include this intriguing technology called machine learning.
This technology promised more than just rules-based email blasts; it claimed to actually optimize entire campaigns—from paid search to social media—entirely on its own.
The more demos I saw, the more I realized where this could go, specifically, the widespread automation for virtually any job.
The writing was already on the wall. But rather than resist the tide, I leaned in.
I figured I wouldn’t be the only one who wanted to keep up with such a sweeping shift, so I started a nonprofit, Ask AI, to host free events and produce a podcast in order to raise awareness.
But just as we were getting going, a team at Google (including Cohere co-founder Aidan Gomez) published a paper called "Attention Is All You Need".
Along with giving this blog post the inspiration for its title, this landmark paper heralded a critical point in the evolution of work:
The age of Generative AI was upon us.
The "augmentation" obsfucation
In the early days of Generative AI applications the inescapable buzzword was “augmentation".
AI apps for the workplace, all with names that all sounded something like "copilot", were popping up everywhere, promising to assist rather than replace humans.
But as I continued to learn and dig deeper, I began to be more and more focused on AI-powered automation, the slightly less happy-go-lucky cousin of augmentation.
AI automation, it seems, knows no bounds. Blue-collar workers face the prospect of AI-powered robotics and other automations in factories, warehouses, farm fields, construction sites, trucks, and retail locations.
White-collar workers are watching many of their core skills being replicated by "agents"—AI systems that plan and execute tasks and processes with minimal human oversight. Even scientists, general practitioners, psychologists, and lawyers are not immune.
For every job that AI enhances or creates, others will be radically transformed—or disappear entirely. The net impact is uncertain, but from the human perspective, one thing is totally predictable: the household bills won’t stop coming.
This duality matters. It’s one thing to talk about AI making our jobs easier; it’s quite another to realize that many tasks will be handed off entirely.
Choosing your AI adventure
As with any major technological shift, including the printing press, industrialization, electricity, or the automobile, people respond to change in different ways.
When it comes to the increased adoption of AI at work, I see three broad categories of reaction:
Do Nothing: Anecdotally (I'll add soem stats here soon) I suspect that a large percentage of people remain either oblivious to AI or are unwilling to engage with it.
Casual Adoption: This group is comprised of those tests out generative AI tools here and there—maybe ChatGPT or Midjourney—but without prompt skills, a formal strategy, or within a long-term plan for adoption.
Radical Preparation: People who see the writing on the wall and are actively building the skills and knowledge they need to stay resilient, whether that’s through online courses, networking events, or hands-on projects.
My sincere hope, and the primary mission of Ask AI, is to encourage people to join the third category as quickly as possible.
Human + AI Collaboration
To put all this in perspective, consider a couple of stats:
According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023, 83 million jobs are predicted to be displaced by 2027 while 69 million new roles may emerge—resulting in a net loss of 14 million jobs globally.
A 2024 study by the Brookings Institution found that over 30% of workers could experience at least half of their job tasks impacted by generative AI, with approximately 85% of jobs having at least some tasks exposed to automation.
Successfully navigating AI doesn’t mean you have to become a hardcore coder or data wizard, but it will require you to expand your knowledge into areas you may have previously overlooked.
In 2022, I had the privilege of being invited to co-write the Data Collaboration Framework, a national standard that outlines how humans and AI systems should work together while keeping data privacy and human control paramount.
I share this to emphasize that there's a lot of good work being done in responsible AI, but it pales in comparison to the need for people to proactively prepare for what's coming.
Turning AI to your advantage
Whether you’re operating machinery, managing a crew, teaching in a classroom, writing code, or managing programs in a corporate office, someone, somewhere, is trying to automate some or all of your job with AI.
The speed at which this disruption will occur depends on many factors, but in my opinion, the gains to be made in productivity and profit means that things will change a lot faster than most people realize.
The purpose of this post is not to raise an alarm bell, but issue an emphatic wake up call to people in all job sectors.
As someone who collaborates with AI systems on a daily basis, I'd like to suggest a few skills that to help build career resilience in the face of increasing workplace automation:
Systems Thinking: Understanding how different parts of a process or organization fit together, so you can spot where AI makes sense, and where human input is essential.
Knowledge Management: Larning how to organize and protect knowledge and best practices is critical in human <> AI collaboration.
Robotics Integration: As AI-powered machinery becomes more commonplace, being comfortable with day-to-day robotic operations, maintenance, and safety protocols is increasingly vital.
Coding in English: You may not need to know Python, but being able to describe processes, workflows, or logic in an AI-friendly way ("prompts") is vital.
Communication: Translating complex ideas into simple explanations is invaluable—especially when bridging the gap between multiple teams, stakeholders, and AI systems.
Problem-Solving: Stepping beyond routine tasks and thinking creatively about how humans and AI can collaborate to solve challenges faster and open up new opportunities.
Project Management: Coordinating timelines, resources, and diverse teams (human and AI) to keep initiatives on track.
Change Management: Guide your team or organization through AI adoption by addressing both practical and emotional hurdles.
Strengthening these and other skills will help set you apart by enabling you to spot the opportunities and minimize disruptions.
And if you happen to find yourself in charge of implementing AI projects, please be a champion for fairness and transparency.
Successfuly Navigating Artificial Intelligence
AI technology is evolving quickly, but there’s no shortage of free or affordable resources—online courses, webinars, and tools you can explore.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is right now. - Chinese Proverb
Consider this essay an invitation to make Ask AI a part of your journey of radical preparation:
Stay Informed: Subscribe to our monthly newsletter or podcast to get insights, the latest trends, and free resources.
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Upload Demos: If you’re part of a startup or research team, showcase your latest AI products, capabilies, and use cases to help the Ask AI community stay in the know.
Volunteer: Have a few hours each month? Explore our open roles and help in fulfillng our misison to help people turn AI to their advantage.
I wish everyone the best of luck in navigating AI opportunities and disruptions. By exchanging insights, we can all become better prepared to face the future of work.
If you haven't already begun your journey of radical preparation, please start today!
Founder & Volunteer Program Director